The private guide will meet you at the hotel. Together you will reach the Uffizi Gallery, one of the most complete Italian painting gallery. It was the private collection of the Medici Family, who were as interested in money as in art. Several hundred works were bought, confiscated and commissioned in over 200 years of their political regency. The tour starts with the rooms dedicated to medieval painting (Giotto's Maestà and the works of Cimabue and Duccio). From there we visit the most famous paintings of Botticelli, Leonardo and Michelangelo's only accomplished painting, the Tondo Doni. At the end a visit to the rooms dedicated to Raffael, Tiziano, Tintoretto and Veronese. At the end of the visit you will walk through the famous Piazza della Signoria, to admire the marvelous Palazzo Vecchio (external visit) and the beautiful Loggia del Lanzi. End of the visit.